Jun 3, 2008

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I love BJ's Pizza! Mmm Mmm Good! I love the chocolate chip pazookie!

What is this sales guy doing with a pair of clippers? Does he look trustworthy?

Looks like the final product turned out pretty well! Look at my David Beckham look-a-like!!


Linda said...

I love all your new posts! looks like a blast. I love the cute little turtle and that you are continueeing your sunday park tradition in texas!!!

Kathy's Boys said...

Hi Tanya,
I'm sooo glad you found my blog. I have really
been missing you at Nordstrom!! I couldn't believe it when I asked for you one day and they said you had quit. I told them I was a really good friend and so they told me you had moved to Texas, but I could tell she was like, "if you were such a good friend, you have known she was moving" anyways, I'm glad to hear from you and hope you have a fun adventure in TX
and keep in touch. I'm about to become a Grandma!!
Did you see Andrea's blog? Take care, you are such a doll! Love ya!

alexis said...

hey guys! i just came across your blog and wanted to say hi! wow! you live in texas now? hope all is well and love the pictures of the new hair cut!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Dear Tanya,
... I think it's time for you to create a new blog entry :) We all know Matt's hair is buzzed now, haha. Put all of the fabulous pictures we've taken to use now! Hope you're having fun in Vegas, we miss you!! See ya soon.
Love, Shawnee