Sep 2, 2009

Hello LOVER!

Our dogs eat the most random things. From lettuce to carrots to apples to bananas. They enjoy strawberries, celery, garlic, and as pictured above...ONION!

I flew into Vegas for a couple of days for this couples beautiful wedding! Congrats Reggie and Linda!
The blushing bride and I. Linda couldn't have been more beautiful!!
Guess what? We've packed up and left town! That's right! Cross country...we drove....and 1600 miles later...made a pit stop in good ole Denver!
Matt always talks about living here one day. You know what? I wouldn't hate it!
Matt's grandpa took us to a Broncos game! For those of you that dont know my husband obession with the Broncos...he is a BIG FAN! The game was awesome! Althought...I must was difficult keeping track of who to cheer for because the opposing team, the Bears, were decked out in navy and orange as well! There were times when I started cheering only to realize that I was cheering for the wrong team!
We watched this guy get booed over...and over...and over! It was intense! Lets hope he is happy!

The view from the 6th row is amazing!

Grandma and Grandpa! We love you guys! We also got to visit our other grandparents; Grandpa and Grandma Wonderly! We love you guys!!

Monday morning we drove the 750 miles to Vegas. We passed through Utah and saw the fires! We stopped in St. George to gas up and there were ashes blowing around us! CRAZY!
Our new home!! Irvine, California!! We LOVE IT!
Newport Beach


Jayci said...

you have to be the most photogenic girl I know, I think! I want your hair color. :P And Irvine, CA right after Manhattan?? I love the adventures you guys have together. Don't you LOVE moving (well maybe not the packing) and the new experiences?! I LOVE IT. :D Enjoy your new place!!

word verification: prosper

I think it's a sign. ;)

Megan Bleazard said...

Ok, Hello! I am so jealous you live in cali by the beach!! So freakin fun. The pictures at Linda's wedding are beautiful. I wish i could of gone.

Magdalena said...

Got a perfect one of rockie on my last post! I love those doggies of yours.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I got to see Linda's wedding pics!! and now you are in CA?! ahh!! coast to coast! i love it. do you guys move a lot

Krushl said...

I think I had a tear looking at your blog for the first time in a few months. I miss you!! Kanon is sitting on my lap and was happy to see pics of you guys and the fur balls. Miss you all!

Magdalena said...

{So I changed things up a bit with the bloggy, let me know if you didn't get the invite.}