Aug 20, 2009

I need help!!

Things that I would love to know how to do...

- Add videos to this blog from youtube

- Save videos from YouTube to my computer

- Burn DVDs on my laptop

- Copy my friends carrot cake recipe so that the carrot cake tastes JUST LIKE hers

...You know what? On second thought, scratch the last one. That carrot cake recipe had an encounter that I never...I repeat...never want to experience again. Lets just say that I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseated. Enough said.

As far as the other three....ANYONE?? HELP!!


hcg said...

I think I can help you with all three. Why don't you come over and I can show you....

Jayci said...

hopefully holly can help you! :o) copy and pasting the embedding link from YouTube hasn't always worked for me in the past, so hope that's not the case! good luck!

Anonymous said...

if you don't enjoy my humor then I suggest you don't read my blog

Kylee said...

Hey Tanya just wanted to say hi. Its good seeing how your life is going. Hopefully your summer has been fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you can't do these things either, because I can't do any of them!