Jan 13, 2009

at Last!

Six business days later, these babies finally arrived at my front door step. The day after I order something, I begin to check our front door repeatedly for packages (although I know it takes at least five days to receive it.) I never call the store to track my package or anything like that..I just compulsively check my front door in hopes of seeing my purchase! This past Friday night, at six pm, I happened to look out my front window into our front yard where I saw the FedEx truck. My hands started to sweat and I'm not going to lie...I might have salivated a little bit. A second later, I realized that the only light in the room was the light behind me thus casting an eerie scene to the sweet FedEx man with my face pressed up against the glass, salivating. I quickly jumped behind the curtain concealing my excitement. I peeked out the window from behind the curtain and impatiently awaited for the FedEx guy to place the box on our front door step, crunch away in the snow toward his truck, hop in it, and drive away. A second later, I had the Nordstrom box in my hands ripping away at the package as if I was a five year old searching for a Barbie on Christmas morning. The result..one heck of a tall, amazing pair of Ash boots! Tada!


Jayci said...

HA! Great visual you gave me. :P You are awesome. And so stylish!! I love the boots!!

Linda said...

Ha ha! you are hilarious. That is a great description. I can see it all... quite vividly!

Tiffany Nelson said...

Those are beautiful Tanya! I have an awful shoe fetish :( Hope everything is going good for you in good ole' Utah!!!

Megan Bleazard said...

You are too funny. But it is so true. I always check the doorstep numerous times for my packages when I know it wont be there. Sometimes… stupid me even pays the extra shipping for 2-day because I cant wait.

Tanner and Andrea said...

Those are so cute... I could so see myself getting those PRE-BABY... It is very hard to wear heals while lugging Maddex all over the place- but I still try and do it... Sometimes you just have to suck it up to look good. Kathy said she saw you at the mall in Provo... we would have came to see you but we were totally scrubbing it- and way tired... we will next time.

Braden and Heather said...

Those are so cute!!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

LOVE the boots Tanya :) Sexy. And I can honestly picture you doing everything just how you described it, hahaha, love you!

Larkin Family said...

It was great to see you at church on Sunday! You were wearing those stellar boots too...and you looked great! They were well worth the wait. :)

Kathy's Boys said...

You ARE the QUEEN of fashion!! I'm waiting for you to move back to Vegas and be my personal shopper at Nordstrom! It was sooo fun to see you in Provo. Sorry for the way I looked...we had just dropped Landry off at the MTC...sad, it's NOT fun!! Love those boots too!

Nicole Cave said...

How the heck are you gonna walk in the snow in those!!

joeley hope said...

sexxxyyyyy! i love them!

liz said...

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I usually do teach that class I just couldn't this morning. I feel so bad!! But come next week by the way love the boots!