Mar 8, 2009

I think I love you!

I love Las Vegas. I would love to spend the rest of my life here. Yes, I love the stifling summers and the 50 degree winters. LOVE IT! I was fortunate enough to spend Thursday through Saturday in this city which I so much care for. The drive typically takes me about 4 and a half hours or so. Yes, I speed. I just cant wait to see the city come into view as I pull around the mountain. Once again; love it!

Thanks to the wonderful store manager of the Nordstrom in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to meet up with a few personal customers and do a little personal shopping with them. I couldn't believe how fulfilling I felt as I helped these wonderful ladies, one by one, put together their Spring wardrobes. I have such a passion for helping women dress and I believe it may be my calling! As I reflect back on the two years that I spent in TBD at the Nordstrom at the Fashion Show Mall, I cant help but miss all of my personal customers and the opportunity I had to constantly be around fashion. The current manager of TBD, who was my manager when I worked there, taught me so much and I will forever be grateful to her for everything she passed on to me!

Nothing like coming home to this stud muffin! Everyday I look forward to him getting home so that we can spend time together! I am honestly so grateful to such a wonderful and hard working husband! He is so smart and determined and I have no doubt that we will be together forever! Lucky me!!!

Yeah..I think he loves me.. as more than a friend!

I know my husband all too well. As I get ready for bed, he typically goes and watches training DVDs. About 10-15 mins later, I will stop whatever I am doing and listen. Then I proceed to go and check on my husband to make sure he is still alive because I dont hear a peep and this is how I find him. Pooped!


Jayci said...

I wish I had a personal fashion consultant!! :) Will you be mine? AH! how fun. I miss Las Vegas, too. Glad you were able to home for a while.

Alec and Tiffany said...

I'm right there with you. I miss Vegas, everything about it! PS - I will be working out of our Provo office this week for three day...lunch?!

molly said...

vegas and TBD misses you too!! not as much as me though. the mall isn't half the fun stopping and talking to you forever and you helping me pick things out!! miss you! are you enjoying the new nordstrom up there!?? and the CAFE?!

Adam said...

Cookie looks like some sort of villan dog in that last one. Ayda asked about "Rockstar" today. I didn't understand until she said "Tanya's house" after, then it just made me laugh.

Adam said...

That was mags

Linda said...

Did you kiss matt on his cheek. I can't tell if it is my screen or if he has lip gloss on his cheek.

Jessica said...

Viva Las Vegas! I miss it too and I'm jealous you got to see my sister.

Kathy's Boys said...

Yes, we miss YOU as much as you miss Vegas! And I miss your beautiful face at Nordstroms. COME BACK!

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

Hello darling girl! So fun to see you today! Thanks for pushing my stroller around Nordstrom and helping me grab my goods!! After reading this post I realized I really should have taken advantage of your personal shopping skills!! You have such great style! Hurry home from NY so you can help me pick out my fall wardrobe---but on a budget!!! Or... if you get really bored out in Yonkers then we can meet up in Vegas and you can help me shop there!

Unknown said...

Hey Tanya! Wow, it has been so long since I have seen you! Thank you for the comment, we had a great day! AnD....I must agree...Vegas is our hotspot too! We love it there! We go down as often as possible (which isn't that often) and we have a blast every time! We all need to get together soon! Miss ya! Tash

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Glad you had so much fun in Vegas Tanya. We did too, and thanks so much for all your help!! Haha, that picture of Matt is so funny. Preston and I are the EXACT same way.
So summer's coming soon, what are your plans? Miss you Tanya, hope you're doing well!

Magdalena said...

Yay for kindness!!! I love that you put that up there!!!