Mar 27, 2009

An Ear Full

Has anyone used these ear candles before? They are insane! I haven't used them in a while and I was quite impressed by this magic stick you light on fire and shove up your ear. I have been sick for about a week and a half and for the past week, my left ear has been clogged. It's so annoying.. I can't even focus on my thoughts as I am talking because all I hear is my echo in my head. annoying. Matt and I used three of these last night in my left ear. As I layed there for about a half an hour, I read a fact that I feel obliged to share with the world. Did you guys know that these candles dont actually pull out ear wax?? Then what in the heck is the gung inside???

This is what I have been doing and what I will be doing until the 4th! Lucky me!

My last day at Nordstrom! This is my friend Caitlin that I work with. Love her! On a side note, I am in love with my new headband!!I got it HERE. My amazing friend just launched this wonderful website and she sells these headbands in so many diff colors! I think I will be ordering another one tonight! $19.50? Heck yeah! Are you kidding me?

Mar 8, 2009

I think I love you!

I love Las Vegas. I would love to spend the rest of my life here. Yes, I love the stifling summers and the 50 degree winters. LOVE IT! I was fortunate enough to spend Thursday through Saturday in this city which I so much care for. The drive typically takes me about 4 and a half hours or so. Yes, I speed. I just cant wait to see the city come into view as I pull around the mountain. Once again; love it!

Thanks to the wonderful store manager of the Nordstrom in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to meet up with a few personal customers and do a little personal shopping with them. I couldn't believe how fulfilling I felt as I helped these wonderful ladies, one by one, put together their Spring wardrobes. I have such a passion for helping women dress and I believe it may be my calling! As I reflect back on the two years that I spent in TBD at the Nordstrom at the Fashion Show Mall, I cant help but miss all of my personal customers and the opportunity I had to constantly be around fashion. The current manager of TBD, who was my manager when I worked there, taught me so much and I will forever be grateful to her for everything she passed on to me!

Nothing like coming home to this stud muffin! Everyday I look forward to him getting home so that we can spend time together! I am honestly so grateful to such a wonderful and hard working husband! He is so smart and determined and I have no doubt that we will be together forever! Lucky me!!!

Yeah..I think he loves me.. as more than a friend!

I know my husband all too well. As I get ready for bed, he typically goes and watches training DVDs. About 10-15 mins later, I will stop whatever I am doing and listen. Then I proceed to go and check on my husband to make sure he is still alive because I dont hear a peep and this is how I find him. Pooped!