Is it really supposed to snow in November? I guess in a place that actually has four seasons, seeing snow in November is a common phenomenon. Oh Vegas, we long for ya!
I have been tagged so I hope my tagger is someone who actually reads this! Ashton!
..Campus Club School Uniforms (that was a slave joint to sum it up)
..Dental Faculty Practice as a personal assistant
..ASWA Law (good times)
..Nordstrom (enough said)
4 movies I have watched more than once
..10 things I hate about you
..Meet the Parents
4 places I have lived
..Las Vegas
..Texas (glad it's over)
4 TV shows I watch
..Ugly Betty
..Desperate Housewives
4 places I have been to
..Laguna Beach
4 people who text me regularly
..Chacha (242242. Try it. Any mind boggling question you have, THEY have the answer to.)
..Little bit of everyone
4 Things I am looking forward to in the coming year
..Moving back to LV
..Progressing in our lives!
..Helping my husband with all the upcoming responsibilities
..Having a baby!!
4 surprising facts ..Well for one, apparently our dog can read after she props herself up on Matts shoulder like a parrot.
..My husband goes to great lengths to capture the beloved Broncos game as we wait for cable! And he tells me he isn't all that creative! Well babe..I beg to differ!
..I am obsessed with cooking. The harder and more extravagant, the better!
..We are literally freezing!