#1.. Super-Sized Everything! This is a picture of some Texas-size fireworks. Lets just say that things come in four sizes: small, medium, large, and Texas-sized. That last one, Texas-size pretty much means ridiculously gigantic. If you order a Texas-size dinner, it will probably feed you and your whole family for a week(or close to it!!)
Aug 19, 2008
Everything IS Bigger In Texas
Posted by Matt and Tanya Wonderly at 3:55 PM 8 comments
Aug 13, 2008
One Great Example
Matt and I are obsessed with Michael Phelps! Every night after he gets home from work, we hurry and eat dinner so that we can be completely dedicated to watching Michael Phelps without any disctractions when its his turn to compete! He is such an inspiration to us. What really impressed me about him was the fact that before he even began competing this year, he declared that during the Olympics, we would walk away with 8 gold medals. 8!!!! Not 1 or 2 but 8! He is such a great example to us of someone who believes in themselves 100%! Everytime that Michael competes, Matt and I find ourselves screaming (yes screaming in our apartment) for Michael! Everytime without fail he either places first OR places first AND breaks the world record! One word: AMAZING!!
Posted by Matt and Tanya Wonderly at 12:01 PM 6 comments
Aug 6, 2008
Our 2 Year Anniversary!
Yesterday was our 2 year Anniversary! I woke up as Matt grabbed the bedroom door and said "Dont come out!" as he shut it. About 25 mins later I woke up as Matt re-entered the room with a huge bouquet of roses in his hand! He is SO thoughtful! He bought two dozen roses, for the two years we have been married, one dozen pink and the other dozen orange, which were part of our wedding colors! Then, he spent a half an hour arranging them in this beautiful bouquet!
Posted by Matt and Tanya Wonderly at 2:43 PM 12 comments
Aug 4, 2008
Twilight Prom Party!!
The 4th Twilight book - Breaking Dawn- came out at 12:01am on August 2nd and Barnes and Noble threw a huge Prom party for the release! Let me just tell you how excited all of us girls were! This was THE day we have been waiting for! Plus, we got to dress up in Prom dresses! What more could you ask for?!
I just have to show you all MY Edward! Here he is, of course, with those boneless Buffalo Wild Wings in both hands!..
Posted by Matt and Tanya Wonderly at 1:47 PM 3 comments